Sunday 16 July 2017


This week the children have been thinking about what they want to share in their assembly next week. They have been busy practising a dance and using the microphone to say their words clearly. The children are doing really well and are looking forward to showing off their learning.

The children got to spend a morning in their new classes on Thursday and loved it. They are very excited to be moving up.

The afternoon Nursery enjoyed playing board games on Thursday, They were able to take turns and thought about who had the most and who would be the winner.

Afternoon Nursery also had a visit from Les the Beekeeper on Friday. he has been helping Sammy's family. We saw a real hive and touched some honeycomb and bees wax. Les gave us some honeycomb to put on our discovery table so that Morning Nursery can see it too.

Next week is our final week in Nursery before we break up for the summer. Morning Nursery Sharing Assembly is on Wednesday at 9.15 and Afternoon Nursery is at 2.45.

Sunday 9 July 2017


This week we have been learning about holidays and reading holiday related stories.

In Maths we had to use our problem solving skills and find as many ways as possible to decorate a sandcastle using 6 shells. We were very impressed that some of the children wanted to record their findings in different ways by drawing and writing numbers.

The children have loved exploring floating and sinking in the Discovery Area. They have had some great theories about why some things float for example because of gravity, they do or don't have holes, they are big or small or hard or soft. Take a look in our Science Investigation book for more comments and photos.

All the children had ice lollies on Friday because it was so hot.

The children have been really enjoying the outside play because the weather had been so nice. They have enjoyed building sandcastles in the sandpit. They have used the den building area to create pathways and dens in the trees.

In P.E. the children have started learning a dance to the 'Ugly Bug Ball.' The children enjoyed finding different ways of moving to be different bugs and copying dance moves from Mrs Chadwick and Mrs Keith.

Next week we will be continuing to think about holidays and moving to our new classes and schools.

On Monday please come along to Open Evening from 5.00pm to 7.00pm. You will have an opportunity to look at the wonderful things your child has been doing in Nursery this year and go and look around the other classes in the school.

On Thursday it is our transition morning when the children will spend some time in their new Reception classes.

On Wednesday 19th July the children will have their final sharing assembly. The morning performance is at 9.05 and the afternoon performance is at 2.45.

Saturday 1 July 2017


It was lovely to come into Nursery this week and find butterflies in the butterfly net. The children enjoyed watching them feed from the oranges and fly around the net. On Friday we released the butterflies as it was sunny. The first few were desperate to fly away. In the afternoon they were more reluctant so the children got to pass around an orange with them on and observe them feeding before they flew away.  

We went to Woodlands on Monday and enjoyed looking for the different bugs and insects. We found slugs, ants, spiders, flies, centipedes and woodlice. We used little pots to observe them through the magnifying glass. We also did a scavenger hunt looking for different shaped leaves, long and short sticks, stones, something bumpy and something smooth. 

We planted some grass seeds and thought about what they would need to help them grow. After putting some compost in the pot we added the seeds and watered them. We will be bringing them home next week, once the grass has started growing.

We were lucky to have a real pilot come into Nursery and talk about his job and the roles of other members of staff. The children absolutely loved Mr Irwin's visit and it helped to improve the quality of the role play which has been an airport this week. The children are all taking on a whole range of roles in the role play. 

The Morning Nursery made a plane out a huge box on Friday. We've had a wide variety of planes made out of the large construction and they've included jet engines, windows and the cockpit. 

Next week our theme is 'Holidays.'

Our song of the week is Five Little Sandcastles. 

Sunday 18 June 2017


We have had a lovely week in Nursery. The children were very pleased to see that the caterpillars have been growing and eating lots over the weekend. We looked really carefully at the caterpillars and drew a picture of what they look like now and some of us attempted some writing about them. As a class we have continued writing our caterpillar diary. We noticed they were bigger, some were spiky and some had crawled to the top of the pot.

We read 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle last week and this week we re-told the story and made up some new objects for the caterpillar to eat. Lots of children thought about their favourite food and the caterpillar ate spaghetti, pizza and sweets.

We have been practising for Sports Day next week. The children have been trying really hard to balance the bean-bags on their heads and run in and out of the cones. The children worked really well as a team. Sports Day is on Friday 23rd June from 9.10 for the morning and afternoon children.

Next week in phonics we will be continuing to practise all of the sounds we have learnt this year. We will also be rhyming and splitting words up into individual sounds and having a go at putting them back together.

We will be making some jewellery for our fashion show from recycled materials. Please send in some small pieces of recycled objects for our junk modelling.

Saturday 20 May 2017


What a week!. We have had a very busy week in Nursery. In P.E. we carried on practising our Teddy Bear's Picnic May Dance. The children are following really well, so hopefully our performance for you next week will make you proud.

Theo and Ola's favourite part of the week this week was taking photographs of the Teddy Bears. The children did well trying to get the Teddy Bear's face in the picture and pushing down hard on the button. We are hoping to use them for our David Hockney work next week.

We were very impressed with the children's drawing and painting skills this week. We challenged the children to draw and then paint with watercolours some Winnie-the Pooh characters. Nehan looked really carefully at Winnie-the-Pooh to draw the shapes and Lydia added Eeyore's bow for detail on her picture.

The children had a great time at Aldenham Country Park, despite the wet weather. They enjoyed finding the Winnie-the-Pooh characters' houses and running through the buttercups in 100 Aker Wood. We saw lots of animals at the farm including cows, rabbits, guinea pigs, sheep, donkeys and horses. We all had a photo taken on the tractor. At lunchtime Winnie-the-Pooh came to see us and some of us enjoyed giving him a big hug. We all enjoyed jumping in the muddy puddles and running throught the mud. Thank you to all the parents who helped and braved the wet weather.

On Friday we made sandwiches for our picnic. We could put jam or honey in and then cut the sandwiches into different shapes. The weather wasn't on our side so we used Treetops and had an indoor picnic with the bears.

Next week our sound of the week is 'v' and we will be learning some rhymes about bears.

Afternoon Nursery will be performing the May Dance at the Community Tea on Thursday afternoon.
Morning Nursery will be performing at the May King and Queen Celebrations on Friday morning.
If your child is in Treetops on a Thursday afternoon, they will also be performing at the Community Tea.

Sunday 14 May 2017


We have had an exciting week this week showing some of our grown-ups how we learn in Nursery. We hope that work shadowing was a valuable experience for you if you were able to take part. We were pleased to see all the grown-ups joining in with singing, playing and dancing with their children.

This week we read the story 'Winnie-the-Pooh and the Troublesome Bees.' We followed Pooh through the story and were introduced to the other characters in the books. We used this to help us with our Maths learning. We counted the bees carefully and separated them in different ways.

We followed a map of the outdoor area to find 'Winnie-the-Pooh.' The children were able to use lots of position language and could talk about where to go in the outside area.

We looked at a map of 100 Acre Wood in preparation for our trip to Aldenham Country Park next week. The children were able to spot the different characters we had seen in our Winnie-the-Pooh story.

Next week we will be continuing to read about Winnie-the-Pooh and our trip to Aldenham Country Park is on Wednesday next week. We will be painting characters from the Winnie-the-Pooh stories and making our own picnics.

Our sound of the week is 'j' and we will be reading the rhyme 'Happiness' by A. A. Milne.

Sunday 7 May 2017

We're Going on a Bear Hunt ...again

The children have continued to enjoy 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' and this week we went on a Bear Hunt, repeating the phrases and words from the story in the outdoor area. The children could remember the words and enjoyed the repeated phrases as they walked through the swishy swashy grass. Their favourite part was running away from the bear back through the different settings.

We also explored the woodwork area outside and learnt how to use the tools carefully and safely.

The children were very excited to have a look at the chicks in the classroom. We got them out and let them run on the carpet and some of us were brave enough to hold them.

The children enjoyed singing the song 'There were 10 in the bed' during our maths sessions. The children drew 10 teddies on their whiteboards and rubbed one out every time one fell out of bed.

Next week we be finding out about Winnie-the-Pooh and reading maps.

Our sound of the week is 'l' and we will be learning a song about Winnie-the-Pooh.